Thursday, March 26, 2009

Here is my first!

Had a rough today my Mom passed and has risen to Dance with the Angels. God is smiling with the Family as we are all gathered and staying strong for one another.


  1. Otie, I so wanted to be there with you all yesterday. I'm sorry...but I know you are not alone, and neither is your mom. :) God bless.

  2. Sorry about your Mom... Hold close to your family now. Here from Scarlet's blog

  3. This is a good time to start your blog because lots of bloggers know what you are going through with the loss of your mother. We'll be pulling for you and yours as you handle this major loss.

    Scarlet sent me your way and I'm pleased to be your first follower.

  4. Scarlet sent me and I come to let you know that here, you have joined a new kind of family. I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you find solace in the things that will keep her alive in your heart.

  5. Everyone thanks for the visit jumpin over and taking a look. Yes, it is hard...but the family is really close I know we will all get through it. She will always have a place in our hearts. That is how MOM brought us up. One thing in Life I was taught is how to put things in perspective; God come 1st above all else then family and then your material things be it'll get through these next couple days and be on more....

  6. Thinking of you today - It's the longest day to get thru. Sending love.

  7. Welcome to the Blogosphere, Otis. Sharing your memories here during the grieving is a great path to healing.
    God bless you.

  8. Thank You JeanMac & Janell
